With pictures (189 pages, printable 8.5 x 11)
Without picture (132 pages, printable 8.5 x 11)

Discover the Holy Land, hand-in-hand with the spirit of Jesus and four magical angels. Visit Israel on the arm of the spirit. See the sights, hear the sounds, smell and taste the flavors, day-by-day, each step of the way. If you are reading this, God wants to say something to you. Listen with reverence!

The winter of 1998, Mary stepped onto the rocky soil of Israel and encountered a part of God she never imagined. For seven days, an unrecognizable male voice instructed her as she visited Holy sites. Mary knew the voice did not belong to God or Jesus. For nineteen months, she tried to figure out whose Holy voice spoke. On September 3, 1999, near completion of the first draft of this book, the voice softly spoke the answer. The answer is in the story. Search with joy!

Twelve Days to Jerusalem proclaims the mystery of faith with 298 color photographs and related scripture, favorite songs, and a delightfully, mysterious adventure.
Experience God’s gifts for you!


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